LORD BELIAL Set Release Date For 'The Seal Of Belial'

August 1, 2004

Sweden's LORD BELIAL have set an August 30 release date through Regain Records for their new album, "The Seal of Belial". The CD was produced by LORD BELIAL and Andy La Rocque (KING DIAMOND) and was recorded at Andy's Los Angered Recording studios in Gothenburg, Sweden.

"The Seal of Belial" track listing:

01. Prolusio; Acies Sigillum (Intro)
02. Sons Of Belial
03. Chariot Of Fire
04. Abysmal Hate
05. Legio Inferi
06. Mark Of The Beast
07. Armageddon Revelation
08. Scythe Of Death*
09. Postmodum (Outro)

*Re-recorded; originally released on the "Scythe of Death" mini-CD

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